Yogeshvar va invita la un tip de satsang virtual care presupune ca voi sa-i adresati intrebarile voastre legate de viata in contextul spiritual, valori, practici spirituale, religie, Dharma, iar el va raspunde avand ca fundament Invatatura traditionala din Yoga, Advaita Vedanta si experienta personala de peste 15 ani in lucrul cu oamenii.
Yogeshvar este binecunoscut in India, cat si in Canada, USA, Marea Britanie, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,
datorita emisiunii TV, “Yoga Kalai”, pe care a gazduit-o zilnic timp de 12 ani.
Experienta lui in facilitarea de programe, seminarii, intalniri pe teme spirituale, acopera o arie larga de auditoriu, persoane care sunt in cautarea drumului personal in viata, inclusiv tineri, profesori, consultanti de business, producatori de film, asistenti sociali, judecatori etc. Persoanele care au beneficiat de invatatura transmisa de el sunt din: Marea Britanie, Brazilia, SUA, Canada, Polonia, Romania, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia si Japonia.
Yogeshvar a studiat Vedanta cu Swami Dayananda Saraswati la Arsha Vidya Gurukulam si Swami Ananda Chaitanya.
Mai multe detalii despre Yogeshvar gasiti pe site-ul sau: www.yogeshvar.ro.
Intrebarile si raspunsurile vor aparea apoi in cadrul acestei sectiuni a site-ului nostru.
Intrebarile pot fi adresate in limba romana sau in limba engleza.
Intrebarea Dorei: Ce mi-ai putea spune de cursurile de reiki si daca e bine ca un maistru reiki poate lucra cu energii asupra unei persoane care ar putea fi riscul ? multumesc!
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Reiki nu este periculos si multi oameni au semnalat beneficii de pe urma folosirii acestei metode. Si eu detin 4 grade in Reiki si am avut rezultate in vindecari. Insa am parasit aceasta metoda pentru a urma practici mai traditionale de Yoga. In opinia mea este de obicei supraevaluat din punct de vedere al banilor si are multe de a face cu imaginatia. In mod categoric, nu prezinta riscuri evidente.
Personal, as recomanda metoda de ‘vindecare pranica’ a maestrului Choa Kok Sui ca fiind o optiune mai buna decat Reiki deoarece este mai sistematica si in testele clinice a obtinut rezultate semnificative statistic, comparabile cu cele ale acupuncturii.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Reiki is not dangerous and many people report benefit from it. I myself have done 4 degrees of reiki and have shown results in the healings. Yet I left it as I had to pursue more traditional practices of yoga. In my opinion, it is usually overpriced and has to do with a lot of imagination. deninitely there are no obvious risks.
Personally I would endorse ‘pranic healing’ of master choa kok sui as a better option to reiki as it is more systematic and is statistically significant in clinical trials, comparable with accupuncture.
Intrebarile lui Stan Nicolae:
1. Care este cel mai bun exercitiu de concentrare?? Pentru a percepe prana.
2. Putem sa vedem cu ochii mintii ? Exercitii.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
1. Depinde de la individ la individ care este cel mai bun exercitiu de concentrare. Deoarece motivele care ne distrag difera de la unul la altul si exercitiile de concentrare difera. Chiar pentru aceeasi persoana, metode diferite pot fi eficiente in momente diferite. Ce pot sa spun ca exista o cerinta universal valabila pentru concentrare. E necesar sa fim atenti la gandurile noastre in timpul liber, atunci cand nu facem nimic important. Daca in acele momente nu-i permitem mintii sa se invarta in jurul cozii si o aducem inapoi in mod repetat catre ceea ce facem, catre o mantra sau catre propria respiratie, atunci asta ne va fi de ajutor atunci cand ne dorim un nivel ridicat de concentrare intr-o sarcina anume.
Pentru a simti prana, cea mai simpla si mai usor de aplicat de catre toata lumea este metoda de a fi constient de propriul perineu si de a observa spatiul dintre doua respiratii.
2. Daca putem vedea cu ochii mintii? Da, putem. Cu ajutorul practicilor de samyama-dharana ,dhyana, samadhi (capitolul 3 din Yoga Sutra a lui Patanjali). Acestea sunt posibile dupa o practica dedicata de meditatie combinata cu un stil de viata corect, in care prana este potolita iar mintea devine trangibila, asemenea unui alt organ pe care il putem folosi dupa dorinta, asa cum putem deschide si inchide ochii.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
1. The best exercise for concentration depends on the individual. Since the individual reasons for distraction are different, the exercises for concentration are also different.Even for the same person, different methods may be effective at different times. What I can say here is this universal requirement for concentration : One has to be watchful about on’s thoughts in free time, when not doing anything important. At these times, not to allow the mind to run around and bringing it back repeatedly to the purpose at hand, or to a mantra or one’s own breath does a great help in realsing a good level of concentration at all intentional tasks.
For feeling the prana, the easiest and applicable to all, is to be aware of / centered in one’s perenium and watch the gap between two breath movements.
2. We can see with the mind’s eye? Yes. With the practice of samyama- dharana ,dhyana, samadhi ( refer 3rd chapter of patanjali yoga sutras). This is possibleonly after a dedicated practice of meditation combined with the right way of lif, where the prana is made still and mind becomes tangible like another organ you can use at will, like opening and closing your eyes.
Intrebarea Mariei: Cum pot accesa lumina (spirituala ) si care sunt modalitatile de a lucra cu lumina?
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Mai intai, expresia ‘lumina spirituala’ inseamna lucruri diferite in contexte diferite. Cand spui ‘a lucra cu lumina’, asta inseamna in general prana, energia vitala. Aceasta se realizeaza prin concentrare si intentie clara. ‘Lumina spirituala’ in sensul cel mai inalt inseamna puterea constiintei care se arata ca gratie divina. In acel caz nu poti lucra cu ea. Trebuie sa-i permiti sa lucreze ea cu tine 🙂
Alteori, lumina spirituala poate insemna cunoasterea care iti ofera revelatia adevaratei tale naturi. Aceasta este invatatura care inlesneste iluminarea. In acest caz, a lucra cu lumina inseamna a contempla adevarul invataturilor.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Well, first the expression ‘spiritual light’ means different things in different contexts. when you say ‘working with the light’, it usually means prana, the vital energy. This is done by focussed, clear intention.
Spiritual light in the highest sense means the power of consciousness that comes as divine grace. In that case you cannot work with it. you have to allow it to work on you 🙂
Some times the spiritual light means the knowledge that reveals to you the true nature of yourself. This is the teaching that facilitates enlightenment. In this case , working with the light means contemplation on the truth of the teachings.
Om Tat Sat.
Intrebarea lui Adrian: Namaste. Care este, din perspectiva vedica, conexiunea si interactiunile dintre energie (prana), constiinta (cit) si minte/intelect (Buddhi)? Multumesc.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Prana si Budhi sunt produse ale prakriti. Aspectul Rajasic al celor cinci elemente devine prana si asptectul Sattwic al celor cinci elemente combinate devine Anthakarana (instrumentul interior), pe care il numim in mod obisnuit: minte. Budhi este facultatea determinanta a mintii, este de asemenea si puterea cunoasterii. Budhi cuprinde lumina de la chit (puterea constiintei) si se intareste cu puterea cunoasterii relative / a perceptiei instrumentale.
Chit sau puterea Constiintei insasi, nu este un produs la prakriti. Este absolutul / brahman / Sinele vesnic manifestat in experienta cuiva, constienta care nu este conditionata de o facultate de perceptie, constienta care este constienta de ea insasi indiferent daca facultatile cognitive functioneaza sau nu. Aceasta este lumina constiintei care reflectata in budhi este numita chidabhasa / chit-ul reflectat. Chidabhasa este cea care da putere lui budhi.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Prana and Budhi are products of prakriti. The Rajasic aspect of the 5 elements becomes prana and the Sattwic aspect of the 5 elements together becomes Anthakarana ( inner instrument) usually referred to as mind. The Budhi is the decisive faculty of the mind, that is also the power of cognition. Budhi captures the light of chit ( power of consciousness) and empowers itself with the power of relative cognition/ instrumental perception.Chit or the power of Consciousness itself, is not a product of prakriti. It is the ever existing absolute / brahman / Self as
menifested in experience of oneself, the awareness that is not conditioned by a faculty of perception, the awareness that is aware of itself whether the cognitive faculties are operating or not. This light of consciousness when reflected in the buchi is called chidabhasa / relfected chit. It is this chidabhasa that empowers the budhi.Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea Anei Maria: Intotdeauna m-a intrigat motivul pentru care „iluminarea” se numeste „iluminare” – dincolo de tot ce-am citit, si de tendinta de a trata cuvantul ca fiind o metafora 🙂 ce inseamna de fapt Iluminarea ? Multumesc.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Draga Ana,
Cuvantul iluminare (in romana: iluminism) a fost folosit initial pentru a desemna trezirea sociala din Evul Mediu. In principiu inseamna a intelege ceva asa cum este acel ceva. La fel cum lumina ne arata ce este acolo, iluminarea este intelegerea realitatii permanente. Asta daca o tratam ca pe o metafora. Deoarece experienta Samadhi este de obicei acompaniata de experimentarea unei lumini intense care nu are o sursa aparenta atunci cand mintea reflecta Sinele in inima, si aceasta este numita de obicei „Experienta Divinului”, metafora luminii pare a fi cea mai potrivita pentru a descrie fenomenul la care ne referim ca „iluminare”.
Exista o expresie in mandukya kaarika (comentariu la madukya upanishad) care descrie experimentarea naturii adevarate a unei fiinte umane ca fiind Sinele care este in afara fluxului mintii: „jnaana aalokam samanthataha” (lumina cunoasterii egal raspandita in toate directiile).
Cand am practicat aceasta tehnica am descoperit ca este adevarat. De asemenea exista confirmarile a nenumarati yoghini de-a lungul timpului. Deci iluminarea, pe langa metafora luminii pentru cunoastere, indica si natura Sinelui ca fiind constiinta pura din categoria „luminii neaprinse care straluceste de la sine” atunci cand este experimentate de mintea linistita in Samadhi.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Dear Ana,
The word enlightenment was originally used for the social awakening in the middle ages. Basically it means to comprehend something as it is. Just like the light reveals what is there, enlightenment is the comprehension of the ever existing reality. This goes with your treatment of it as a metaphor.Since the experience of samadhi is usually accompanied by an experience of intense light with no apparent source, when the mind reflects the Self in the heart, and this is usually called as ‘God experience’, the metaphor of light seems to be the best to describe the phenomenon that is referred by ‘enlightenment’.There is an expression in mandukya kaarika (commentary on madukya upanishad) when it describes the experience of one’s own true nature as the Self that is outside the mind flux : „jnaana aalokam samanthataha’. (light of knowledge equally spread in all directions).When I practiced the technique , i found it to be true also. Same is the confirmation from countless yogis of all times. Hence enlightenment , apart from the metaphor of light for knowledge, also points to the nature of the Self as pure consciousness that is of the nature of ‘unlit, self shining light’ , when experienced by the silent mind in Samadhi.Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea lui Adrian: Namaste, Cum poti realiza canalizarea diferitelor tipuri de energie – si ma refer in special la energia sexuala, astfel incat aceasta sa nu mai creeze presiune ci dimpotriva sa ajute in dezvoltarea spirituala? Multumesc. Om.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Namaste Adrian,
In spatele fiecarui model energetic sau al curgerii energiei se afla un model mental. In spatele modelului mental se afla o idee despre experienta respectiva (conceptul de Koshas). In ceea ce priveste energia sexuala, prima cerinta este sa vedem ca aceea nu este „energie sexuala” ci doar energie exprimata prin sexualitate. Urmatorul pas este sa intri in contact cu realitatea placerii sexuale fara toate proiectiile artificiale.
Dupa aceea putem trece la alte tehnici.
Pentru a putea face asta fara presiune, trebuie sa intelegi „bhoga vasana” care se bazeaza pe atasamentul fata de o anumita senzatie. Cea mai buna cale pentru a practica aceasta vasana este sa practici „Iswara pranidana” (adica inchinarea fata de divinitate) in toate activitatile, prin toate motivatiile noastre.
Aceasta este fundatia peste care putem folosi alte tehnici cum e pranayama, bandhas etc.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Namaste Adrian,
Behind every energy pattern or flow, there is a thought pattern. Behind a thought pattern there is an idea about the experience involved. ( concept of koshas). Regarding sexual energy, the first requirement is to see that is not ‘sexual energy’ but just as ‘energy expressing through sexuality’.The next step is to get in touch with the reality of sexual pleasure minus all the the artificial projections.This will give us a healthy attitude in dealing with it.After this, we can do the other techniques.
To be able to do it without pressure, is to understand the ‘bhoga vasana’ that is based on attachment to a certain sensation. The best way to handle this vasana is to practice Iswara pranidana ( devition to the divine) in all our activities, through all our motivations. This is the fundamental over which we might use other techniques like pranayama, bandhas etc.Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea Cristinei: Ce inseamna vindecarea (fizica si psihica)in conceptia Vedanta? Putem, de exemplu, vindeca trupul sau emotiile fara sa constientizam cauzele imbolnavirii/dezechilibrului? Ne ajuta o astfel de vindecare? Multumesc frumos.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Strict vorbind acest subiect nu are legatura cu Vedanta. Are legatura cu Yoga.
Raspunsul e ca vindecarea facuta fara sa avem grija de cauza va reprezenta doar o usurare temporara a situatiei. De exemplu, pentru o migrena, poti lua o pastila sau poti face o sedinta de bioenergie sau acupunctura. Pastila poate avea ca efect secundar o crestere a aciditatii, celelalte nu. Asta e singurul avantaj.
Pentru ca o vindecare reala sa aiba loc, cineva trebuie sa rezolve cauza migrenei incepand cu modificarea stilului de viata stresant, a dietei etc; mergand pana la schimbarea atitudinii generale fata de viata care se afla la baza stilului de viata. Nu exista o alta cale.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
This is not the topic of vedanta strictly speaking. It is the topic of ‘yoga’.Well, the answer is, the healing done without taking care of the root causes will be only having a temporary relief. For example, for migraine headache, you can have a tablet or you can have pranic healing/ accupuncture. The tablet might give you acidity as side effect; while the other things may not.This is the only advantage.For real healing to take place, One has to go rectify the root causes for migraine starting with the stressful lifestyle, diet etc; and going down to the basic attitude towards life that makes one get into this lifestyle in the first place. There is no other way.
Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea lui Ioan: Cum poate fi interpretat sau inteles enuntul pe care l-am intalnit in documentarele despre religiile indiene: „ciclul reincarnarilor continua pana ce este atinsa iluminarea? Multumesc.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Odata o doamna americana care se afla pe o plaja din China, si-a ridicat scumpa sa pereche de ochelari de soare preferati pe cap pentru a citi si a uitat de ei. Cand s-a ridicat pentru o scurta plimbare i-a cautat in geanta, imprejurul ei… si brusc a ajuns la concluzia ca i-a pierdut si a devenit foarte emotiva. Stim ca pentru unele femei, atunci cand sunt cuprinse de emotii e imposibil sa asculte orice explicatie. Vor doar sa-si rezolve problema. Asa ca doamna noastra de la plaja era una dintre ele. Tipa la insotitor si spunea doar „Stiam eu, uite ce s-a intamplat!”. In timp ce se plangea, s-a trezit ca a starnit o cearta cu un strain si apoi a devenit foarte important sa se justifice si a uitat cu totul de ochelarii ei de soare pierduti. Apoi a sosit sotul ei (care intamplator stia cateva boabe de chineza) si-a cerut scuze de la strain, a luat-o de acolo, i-a distras atentia cu altceva, a imbratisat-o si a calmat-o. Apoi a intrebat-o ce s-a intamplat, cum a inceput totul? Din fericire, soarele stralucea foarte puternic si o deranja la ochi… si pe loc si-a amintit de ochelarii de soare pierduti si a inceput sa se planga sotului. El i-a spus „Hei, dar nu i-ai pierdut.” Ea a intrebat „Cum asa?” si el i-a raspuns „Ii aveai deja!”. I-a luat mana, i-a dus-o la cap si ea a zis „Ah, da”.
In aceasta poveste ochelarii de soare nu au fost „atinsi dupa eforturi” ci doar descoperiti. Asta e ceea ce se numeste „A descoperi ceea ce este deja descoperit”. Iluminarea e ceva de felul asta.
Initial doamna a trebuit sa fie dusa din locul in care se certa si calmata. Nu orice putea face asta. Pentru ca nu avea incredere in nimeni din jurul ei! Doar sotul ei putea face asta in „tara aceea straina in care cu totii vroiau sa-i fure ei ochelarii de soare”. Aici, sotul reprezinta o traditie de invatatura fata de care noi avem „incredere”, ceea ce se numeste „Shraddha”. Procesul de invatare e similar cu luatul ei de mana de catre sot.
Orisicum, a fost nevoie ca ea sa beneficieze de conditiile potrivite pentru ca atentia ei sa se indrepte catre acel „adevar evident”. Acela reprezinta un moment de gratie divina care apare datorita meritului de a fi virtuos si de a te ruga.
Urmatorii factori, cum ar fi: sotul ei fiind acolo, pe langa asta sa stie si sa vorbeasca chinezeste and chiar mai rar de atat, sa vina la momentul potrivit si sa nu fie „plecat la plimbare”, desi ii luam ca fiind normali sunt foarte importanti. Nu toate americancele de pe o plaja chinezeasca beneficiaza de ei!
Trecand prin multe vieti e la fel, pana ce ajungi in acel moment de gratie divina in care intri in contact cu o traditie care te invata, cu maestrul si de asemenea ai acea ‘incredere’ numita ‘Shraddha’.
Acum te rog sa nu ma intrebi „Dar de ce a uitat de ochelarii de soare?”. Nu e important acum. Putem vorbi despre asta dupa ce ii gasesti pe ai tai!
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Once a american lady in a chinese beach raised her expensive, favorite pair of sunglasses to her head for reading and forgot about it. When she got up to take a walk, she searched for them in her bag, around her… suddenly came to a quick conclusion that she had lost it and she got very emotional. We know some women when they get emotional, till they calm down it is impossible for them to listen to any explanation. They just want to get their thing done. So, our lady in the beach was one like that. She screamed at the bor attendant, she was only saying „I knew it, look what happened!!”. In the process of complaining, she picked up a fight with a strange and then it became very important to justify herself and she forgot all about the lost sunglass. Then her husband ( who incidentally knew some chinese) came, excused themselvesto the stranger, took her away, distracted her with something else, gave her a hug and she calmed down. Then he ased her what happened, how it all began? Fortunately the sun was shining bright and hurting her eyes.. And Lo! she remembered the lost sunglass and started crying to her husband. He told her, ‘Hey! you haven’t lost it.’ She said ‘What’? and he said ‘Yes you already have it!’. Took her hand to her head and there she she said ‘Oh yeah!’In this story, the sunglass was not ‘attained’, but was ‘uncovered in knowledge. This is called Attaining what is already attained. Enlightenment is something like this.But Initially the lady had to be taken out of the fight scene and be made to calm down. Not anyone could do it. As she would not trust anyone around! Only her husband could do it in that ‘strange alien country where every body was out to get her sunglasses’.Here, husband represents the teaching tradition towards which we have ‘trust and confidence’ called ‘Shraddha’. The teaching process, is like taking her hand to her head. Nevertheless, She had to have the right conditions for directing her attention to the ‘obvious fact’. This is a moment of grace that comes from merit of virtue and prayers.These factors like the husband being there at all, then on top of that he speaking chinese! and even more rare he coming at the right time and not ‘gone on a walk with his dog!’, though taken for granted, are very important. Not all american women in a chinese beach can have it!!Going through many lives is like this, for getting that moment of divine grace when one comes in contact with the teaching tradition and the teacher and also to have that ‘Trust’ called ‘Shraddha’.Now please don’t ask me ‘Why did I forget the sunglass?’,It is not important now. We can talk about it after you find the sunglass!!Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea Corneliei: Draga prietene, obsesia mea in aceste zile este: care este scopul vietii mele? Multumesc!
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Draga Cornelia,
Exista ceva emotie care impinge inainte si sustine aceasta intrebare despre ‘scopul vietii’. Sa fi constienta de asta este primul pas spre a intelege care este scopul vietii tale. Aceasta intrebare este importanta nu pentru ca viata are intr-adevar vreun scop comun, ci pentru ca aceasta ‘lipsa a scopului’ te afecteaza. Cu alte cuvinte, te simti confortabil cu tine insati doar atunci cand te afli indreptata catre un scop.
Iti sugerez sa petreci timp doar cu tine cateva minute in fiecare zi si sa afli, fiind constienta, care este sursa acestei intrebari. Gaseste un interval de timp cand nu ti-e nici foame si nici nu esti satula, in care nu vei avea ceva de facut pentru cel putin 30 de minute. Doar stai dreapta (pe scaun e ok) si inspira adanc si apoi expira lent. In timp ce respiri adanc, doar reaminteste-ti intrebarea. Apoi vezi de unde apare. Probabil ca exista un intreg spatiu de ‘nu ma simt ok’ in spatele acestei intrebari. Petrece timp cu ea, doar stai cu ea fara sa faci nimic in privinta asta. Incercand sa vezi cum misca aceasta intrebare mintea ta vei vedea principala motivatie din spatele intrebarii.
Apoi putem continua discutia bazandu-ne pe asta.
Om Tat Sat
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Dear Cornelia, There is some emotion that pushes forward and sustains this question of ‘purpose of life’. To be aware of that is the first step to understanding what is the purpose of your life. This question is important not because life does have some common purpose, but because this ‘lack of purpose’ affects you. In other words, you are comfortable with yourself only when you are in a direction towards a purpose.
I would suggest you to spend time with yoursself a few minutes everyday and see in awareness, the source of this question. Choose a time when you neither hungry nor full, when you will not have to attend to anything for 30 mins atleast. Just sit straight ( chair is ok), take a few deep inhalations with slow exhalations. While you are breathing deep, just recall this question. Then see from where it arises. Probably there is a ground of general ‘feeling not ok’ behind this question. If you spend time with it, simply sitting with it, doing nothing about it. Just trying to see how this questions moves your mind, you will see the main motivation behind this question.Then we can continue the discussion based on that.Om Tat Sat
Intrebarea lui Victor: Care sunt efectele cantecelor sacre asupra constiintei celor care asculta spre deosebire de efectele asupra constiintei persoanei care canta?
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar:
Efectele cantecelor sacre asupra celui care canta si asupra celui care asculta.
Efectele pot fi in prima faza clasificate in mare in doua categorii:
- Efectele datorate vibratiilor sonore. De exemplu: OM.
- Efecte datorate efectului pe care il are intelesul: De exemplu: Tu esti frumos/frumoasa.
In ceea ce priveste efectul pe care il are puterea intelesului asupra altora, acesta se poate datora si gandurilor emanate de catre persoana care internalizeaza intelesul cantecului.
Principalul efect al cantecelor sacre asupra constiintei apare din cauza intaririi unor modele repetitive de exprimare. In mod ideal vibratia sonora pe care o produce intonarea corecta si internalizarea intelesului acelui cantec trebuie sa fie asociate pentru a produce un impact maxim. Acesta este punctul de vedere traditional.
- Cantecul poate fi o mantra revelata cum este mantra vedica Triyambakam yajamahe. In acest caz, este una cu un model vibrational universal care este impersonal. Drept urmare, va avea efecte asupra constiintei si asupra mediului ambiant chiar daca cei care asculta nu ii cunosc intelesul. Acest tip de cantec sacru este cel mai eficient.
- Cantarea poate fi o fraza sau o rugaciune data si/sau folosita de o fiinta sacra sau de o traditie spirituala. In acest caz, cantecul capata o puternica prezenta astrala in timp si are efect. Acesta este al doilea tip ca eficienta. De exemplu: Doamne ajuta! In acest caz intelegerea si asocierea emotionala sunt necesare.
- Un om poate crea propria rugaciune/ fraza atunci cand este intr-o stare mentala de completitudine si sa o foloseasca in momente ‘de cadere’. Aceasta ii va reaminti imediat ‘starea creierului’ din perioada de completitudine si isi va reveni rapid, manifestand eventual si conditiile exterioare necesare pentru a retrai acea stare mentala in mod natural. Acesta este al treilea nivel de eficienta.
Raspunsul lui Yogeshvar in engleza:
Effect of Chanting on the one who chants and one who listens
The effects, initially, can be classified broadly into two categories :1. Effect due to the sound vibrations. Ex : Om2. Effect due to the impact of meaning.Ex : ‘You are beautiful’As regards to the impact of meaning, the effect on others can also e due to the thought waves from the person who internalizes the meaning of the chanting.The main effect of chanting in our consciousness is from the fact of reinforcement from repetitive pattern of expression. Ideally the sound vibration from correct intonation and internalizing of the meaning of the chant have to go together for maximum impact. This is the traditional stand point.However, there can be another classification based on the source of the chanting.1. The chanting can be a revealed mantra like a vedic mantra (ex : Triyambakam yajamahe… ). In such a case, it is one with a universal vibratory pattern that is impersonal. Hence, It will have it’s effect on the consciousness and the environment even one does not know the meaning.This kind of chanting is the best in it’s efficacy.2.The chanting can be a phrase or a prayer given and/or used by a saintly person/spiritual tradition. In this case, the chanting acquires a strong astral presence over time and has it’s effect. This is the second best in efficacy.Ex : doamne ajuta. In this case meaning and emotional association is necessary.3. One can create one’s own prayer/phrase when in a highly integral state of mind and use this in times of ‘low’. This will immediately recall from memory the ‘brain state’ of the good time and one will recover fast, eventually manifesting the external conditions that are necessary for living that state of mind naturally. This is the next level of efficacy.
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